Drosera hilaris

Sprawling Sundew

Drosera hilaris is a large, bushy sundew found on many Cape Mountains. It has been observed on the Cape Peninsula, then ranging from Du Toitskloof down through the mountains to Elim. It is also present in the Riviersonderend mountains. It is unique for its long spear-shaped leaves and dense growing habit. The species typically grows for most of the year, pausing only for a short dormancy of 3-4 months in Summer. Like D. ericgreenii it utilises a resting bud for dormancy instead of roots like the geophytic winter-growing sundews.

D. hilaris is found in many soils but prefers clays and sandy soils on slopes where it is moist but not sodden. Flowering occurs from October-January with large pink flowers, after which they go dormant.